
Installation view and details of the exhibition I presented at ROOM gallery and project space in Johannesburg in 2017. The installation, titled after one of my videos I was her and she was me and those we might become, was a form of post-script marking a culmination of the process of exploration I have been working through while simultaneously pointing to possible future trajectories for my creative engagement with present-pasts. As the project has traveled it has augmented, picking up fragments and traces of each place it came into contact with, changing form in response to each place and its histories. As the ghostly woman in the work has travelled her presence has shifted the narratives of the space she had appeared in, transforming them as they transformed her until she moved on, taking the trace with her to where she goes next. It was this network of trace that was foregrounded in this show.

Links to videos:
I was her and she was me and those we might become (password: Becoming one/many)
My Story No doubt is me Older than me
Untitled_Sankofa 1 (passwordPlace in the stars)

View of the installation through the screen of My story no doubt is me/older than me.