Ateasefoɔ Amamrɛ
- Brazil Road Jamestown Accra

In Jamestown, Accra, there is an old family compound distinguishable from its surroundings through the crumbling red clay bricks of its deteriorating walls. They have a weathered look about them, as though despite exhaustion there is a determination to precariously hold themselves together in the form of this wary time worn structure. The building’s haggard appearance betrays not only its age but also carries traces alluding to the histories that saturate it. The events it has witnessed over the years are manifest in the marks it carries. They seem to be those of a rough narrative. It was on the sea facing terrace of this compound that I presented an installation titled Transatlantic Saudades: Ateasefoɔ Amamrɛ.

Video still, My Story no doubt is me/Older than me.

Deteriorating compound as seen from the stone circle pictured in My Story no doubt is me/Older than me. The show was exhibited on the other side of this inner structure.
Installation view Transatlantic Saudades.
Installation view of Transatlantic Saudades with Whitewash visible in the background.
Installation view Transatlantic Saudades, Fungible things and Whitewash.
Installation view of Transatlantic Saudades with Whitewash visible in the background.
View of sheets ready for projections and the end of the courtyard where a cliff leads out to the ocean.
Installation view of sheets used as projection screens blowing in the breeze for the Atlantic Ocean.
Installation view of multiple videos on the courtyard.
Installation view, multiple videos in the courtyard with the screens blowing in the breeze from the Atlantic.
Installation view inside the deteriorating red brick structure. Audience members viewing Candomble Immersion.
Television monitor showing Candomble Immersion in an arch leading to multiple vides on the landing beyond.
Installation view, Whitewash.
Installation view, Whitewash.

View out to the ocean from the edge of the landing where the exhibition was presented.